Meoros Rochel Leah Kindergarten
Important Notes
These items are not included in your bundle, but are required by your school. As we do not offer them for purchase, we ask that you please come up with them on your own.
- Individual Picture
- Full Change of Clothing labeled in a Ziploc bag
Products in Your Bundle
1 × Elmer's® Washable School Glue, 4 Oz.
5 × Elmer's Jumbo Disappearing Purple School Glue Stick, 1.4 Ounces
1 × Office Depot® Durable View 3-Ring Binder, 1" Round Rings
1 × Office Depot® 2-Pocket Poly Folder with Prongs
2 × Crayola® Crayons, Assorted Colors, Pack Of 24 Crayons
1 × Marble Composition Notebook, Wide Ruled, 100 pg
2 × Fiskars® 5" Scissors Blunt Tip
1 × Kirkland® Signature Facial Tissue, 110 ct
2 × Baby Wipes
- All Supplies must be labeled clearly.
- Please make sure that your daughter’s briefcase is large enough to fit projects and folders.