Yeshiva Ohr Shraga First Grade – Last Year Mrs. Lubart
Important Notes
These items are not included in your bundle, but are required by your school. As we do not offer them for purchase, we ask that you please come up with them on your own.
- סידור and חומש from last year (in good condition only)
- For R’ Barnetsky’s class of 2022 only: תהלים
- $10.00 in a sealed envelope for special supplies
Products in Your Bundle
1 × Elmer's® Washable School Glue, 4 Oz.
3 × Elmer's Disappearing Purple School Glue, Washable, 0.24-ounce stick
1 × Office Depot® Durable View 3-Ring Binder, 1" Round Rings
3 × Office Depot® 2-Pocket Poly Folder, Letter Size
1 × Office Depot® 2-Pocket Poly Folder with Prongs
1 × Crayola® Crayons, Assorted Colors, Pack Of 24 Crayons
1 × Crayola® Washable Markers, Broad Tip, Assorted Classic Colors, Box of 8
2 × Pre-Sharpened #2 Pencils 12 Pack
1 × Metal Pencil Sharpener with Shaving Case
2 × Pink Eraser
2 × Fiskars® 5" Scissors Blunt Tip
1 × Supplied® Silicone Pencil Case
1 × Supplied® Plastic Durable Supply Box
2 × EXPO® Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Fine Point, Black
1 × EXPO® Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Fine Point, Red
- Please place 4 pencils, 1 sharpener, 1 scissors, 1 glue stick and 1 box of crayons in the supplies box. The rest of the supplies should be placed in a clearly labeled Ziploc bag which will be collected and kept with the Rebbi/Teacher.